December 2018 Results

Best Feature
Winner: Addicted to You
Nominee: Agramon’s Gate
Nominee: One Must Fall

Best Documentary Feature
Winner: Indus Blues
Winner: Ocean City Beach Patrol

Best Documentary Short
Winner: Tax Evasion: A Greek
    National Sport
Winner: Sono Cesare ma
    Chiamatemi Mimmo
Winner: Cadillac Hotel
Winner: Impermanence
Nominee: Letters from the Trash
Nominee: DUTY: My Røde Reel
    (Behind the Scenes)
Nominee: Between
Nominee: For How Much Longer,
Nominee: Doomsday is here!
    According to Nostradamus
Best Short
Winner: Skógafoss
Winner: Black Gold
Winner: The Greta Fragments
Winner: Non Mi Posso Lamentare
Winner: Guerra Civil
Winner: 18 Years In
Winner: Thirst
Winner: Fili
Nominee: Friend Zone
Nominee: One Second
Nominee: Outside Thoughts
Nominee: Eric and the Barbarian
Nominee: Photographic Memory
Nominee: Tequila Sunrise
Nominee: SuperKlanMan
Nominee: Senza Paura
Nominee: Lucky Fish
Nominee: Toasted
Nominee: Not Me
Nominee: Rectify
Nominee: Construct
Nominee: Give + Take
Nominee: Notes From Melanie
Nominee: Blood Means Nothing
Nominee: The Devil May Care Trilogy
Best Animated Short
Winner: One Third

Best Experimental Short
Winner: Forever
Nominee: DUTY: My Røde Reel
    (Behind the Scenes)
Nominee: Boat

Best Music Video
Winner: Creature of Sin by Arsenic
    and Old Lace

Best Student Film
Winner: Vitha
Nominee: Jade
Nominee: The Hunt
Nominee: Confession
Nominee: Mama's Boy
Nominee: Left Behind
Nominee: Love Never Ends
Nominee: Violet

Best Web Series
Winner: When Fact Met Fiction
Best Director
Winner: Lucky Fish
Winner: Movie Kiss Moment
Winner: Non Mi Posso Lamentare
Winner: Tequila Sunrise
Winner: Forever
Winner: Thirst
Nominee: Tax Evasion: A Greek
    National Sport
Nominee: Mary Queen of Scots -
    The Last Day
Nominee: DUTY: My Røde Reel
    (Behind the Scenes)
Nominee: Eric and the Barbarian
Nominee: Blood Means Nothing
Nominee: Agramon’s Gate
Nominee: Impermanence
Nominee: One Must Fall
Nominee: Give + Take
Nominee: One Third
Nominee: Number 25
Nominee: Toasted
Nominee: Boat

Best Cinematography
Winner: Skógafoss
Winner: Impermanence
Winner: Senza Paura
Winner: Thirst
Winner: Vitha
Nominee: Fili
Nominee: Indus Blues
Nominee: Agramon’s Gate
Nominee: 18 Years In
Nominee: Guerra Civil
Nominee: Outside Thoughts
Nominee: Suburban Sepulchre
Nominee: The Greta Fragments
Nominee: Belles of the Swells
Nominee: DUTY: My Røde Reel
    (Behind the Scenes)
Nominee: Creature of Sin by Arsenic
    and Old Lace
Best Writing
Winner: SuperKlanMan
Winner: Suburban Sepulchre
Winner: The Devil May Care Trilogy
Winner: Senza Paura
Winner: Hustle
Nominee: Fili
Nominee: Void
Nominee: Not Me
Nominee: Thirst
Nominee: Rectify
Nominee: Skógafoss
Nominee: Bro Story
Nominee: Black Gold
Nominee: Friend Zone
Nominee: 18 Years In
Nominee: Guerra Civil
Nominee: Tequila Sunrise
Nominee: Love Never Ends
Nominee: Addicted to You
Nominee: Movie Kiss Moment
Nominee: Notes From Melanie
Nominee: The Greta Fragments
Nominee: Eric and the Barbarian
Nominee: Something About Henry
Nominee: Mary Queen of Scots -
    The Last Day
Nominee: Doomsday is here!
    According to Nostradamus

Best Actor
Winner: Skógafoss (Martijn Lakemeier)
Winner: Confession (Dylan Roettinger)
Nominee: Upstate Story (Shaun Rose)
Nominee: Give + Take (Chili Davidson)
Nominee: Mama's Boy (Jared Jacobucci)
Nominee: Agramon’s Gate (Kris Reilly)
Nominee: Notes From Melanie
    (Mason Heidger)
Best Actress
Winner: Photographic Memory
    (Dominique Swain)
Winner: Give + Take
    (Ray Kennington)
Nominee: Void
    (Rachel Marshall)
Nominee: Number 25
    (Sara Jane McGee)
Nominee: Hopeless
    (Graziella Schwaiger)
Nominee: Critique
    (Dionne van den Berg)
Nominee: Outside Thoughts
    (Jill Kingston)
Nominee: Mama's Boy
    (Karen Tusa)
Nominee: Notes From Melanie
    (KateLynn E. Newberry)
Nominee: Blood Means Nothing
    (Lauren Logan)
Nominee: Mary Queen of Scots -
    The Last Day
    (Toneata Morgan)

Most Terrifying
Winner: One Must Fall
Nominee: Boy!
Nominee: Void
Nominee: Number 25
Nominee: One Second
Nominee: The Youth Elixir
Nominee: Agramon’s Gate
Nominee: 98.6%

Best Production Design
Winner: Black Gold

Best Message
Winner: Not Me
Winner: Cadillac Hotel
Best Editing
Winner: Eric and the Barbarian
Winner: Blood Means Nothing
Nominee: Boy!
Nominee: Vitha
Nominee: Thirst
Nominee: Forever
Nominee: Rectify
Nominee: Bro Story
Nominee: Skógafoss
Nominee: Black Gold
Nominee: Lucky Fish
Nominee: 18 Years In
Nominee: One Second
Nominee: Impermanence
Nominee: Indus Blues
Nominee: Friend Zone
Nominee: Guerra Civil
Nominee: Agramon’s Gate
Nominee: Cadillac Hotel
Nominee: Addicted to You
Nominee: Tequila Sunrise
Nominee: The Greta Fragments
Nominee: Belles of the Swells
Nominee: When Fact Met Fiction
Nominee: Non Mi Posso Lamentare
Nominee: Ocean City Beach Patrol
Nominee: DUTY: My Røde Reel
    (Behind the Scenes)
Nominee: Sono Cesare ma
    Chiamatemi Mimmo
Nominee: Tax Evasion: A Greek
    National Sport
Nominee: Creature of Sin by Arsenic
    and Old Lace

Best FX
Winner: One Must Fall
Winner: Construct
Nominee: Boy!
Nominee: 98.6%
Nominee: Toasted
Nominee: Notes From Melanie
Nominee: Eric and the Barbarian

Best Twist
Winner: Tequila Sunrise
Nominee: The Devil May Care Trilogy
Best Music
Winner: Photographic Memory
Winner: Blood Means Nothing
Winner: Black Gold
Winner: Violet
Nominee: Void
Nominee: Jade
Nominee: Fili
Nominee: Vitha
Nominee: Thirst
Nominee: Forever
Nominee: Toasted
Nominee: Lucky Fish
Nominee: Indus Blues
Nominee: Senza Paura
Nominee: Love Never Ends
Nominee: Addicted to You
Nominee: Eric and the Barbarian
Nominee: Non Mi Posso Lamentare
Nominee: When Fact Met Fiction
Nominee: Notes From Melanie
Nominee: SuperKlanMan
Nominee: Construct
Nominee: For How Much Longer,
Nominee: Mary Queen of Scots -
    The Last Day

Best Humor
Winner: Toasted
Winner: Bro Story
Winner: Addicted to You
Winner: Movie Kiss Moment
Winner: Eric and the Barbarian
Winner: Notes From Melanie
Winner: Give + Take
Nominee: Hustle
Nominee: Rectify
Nominee: The Hunt
Nominee: Friend Zone
Nominee: One Must Fall
Nominee: SuperKlanMan
Nominee: Suburban Sepulchre
Nominee: Non Mi Posso Lamentare
Nominee: When Fact Met Fiction
Nominee: Outside Thoughts
Best Original Idea
Winner: Toasted
Winner: Eric and the Barbarian
Winner: Impermanence
Winner: Rectify
Winner: Fili
Nominee: Boat
Nominee: Thirst
Nominee: Between
Nominee: Critique
Nominee: Left Behind
Nominee: SuperKlanMan
Nominee: Friend Spirit
Nominee: Cadillac Hotel
Nominee: Blood Means Nothing
Nominee: Third Law - The Movie
Nominee: The Devil May Care Trilogy
Nominee: Letters from the Trash
Nominee: Photographic Memory
Nominee: Belles of the Swells

Best Sound
Winner: Toasted
Winner: Eric and the Barbarian
Winner: Senza Paura
Nominee: Vitha
Nominee: Thirst
Nominee: Construct
Nominee: Skógafoss
Nominee: 18 Years In
Nominee: Impermanence
Nominee: Tequila Sunrise
Nominee: Addicted to You
Nominee: Notes From Melanie
Nominee: When Fact Met Fiction
Nominee: Non Mi Posso Lamentare
Nominee: DUTY: My Røde Reel
    (Behind the Scenes)

No Budget Spirit
Winner: Void
Nominee: Hopeless
Nominee: Friend Spirit
Nominee: Third Law - The Movie
Nominee: Something About Henry
Nominee: Critique

Best Feature Script
Winner: Forces of Decadence
Nominee: Arianrhod: A New Beginning - Pilot
Nominee: A Most Dangerous Child
Nominee: Lost at Christmas
Best Short Script
Winner: Breathe
Winner: The Yearbook
Winner: Generations - Letter From an Old Father to His Son
Nominee: Evening of the Evil Eye
Nominee: Fifteen Year Proposal
Nominee: The Last Pirate
Nominee: The Blind Date
Nominee: Chasing Love
Nominee: Sugar Cube
Nominee: Nicked