Spring 2024 Results

Best Feature
Winner: Mickey Hardaway
Nominee: Cora
Nominee: Hanky Panky
Nominee: Honey Street
Nominee: Happy Birthday
Nominee: Within the Walls

Best Documentary Feature
Winner: Invisibles México
Nominee: "i don't even know me yet"
Nominee: American Pot Story:
Nominee: American Expendables:
    The Films of North American Pictures

Best Documentary Short
Winner: purple crab
Winner: Plastic Crowns
Winner: The Grasshopper Hill
Winner: Armando Dal Col - L'Arte
    del Bonsai (Bonsai's Art)
Winner: From Praying to Playing:
    the Heartbeat of the Balinese
Nominee: Hot Snow
Nominee: The DNA Stories
Nominee: Chinese Prophecies
Nominee: Same but Different
Nominee: Killings of the Century
Nominee: Erik's Midwestern Boyhood
Nominee: Memorie di una lavanderia
    ad acqua
Nominee: Today Must Not Be
    Our Last Goodbye
Nominee: Da Kink In My Lair (A Day
    In The Life Of A Dom)
Best Experimental Feature
Winner: Hercules Recycled 2.0
Nominee: Lulu in Turin

Best Short
Winner: HoleY
Winner: Parrot
Winner: What Do You Want?
Nominee: Chhadi
Nominee: Vueltas
Nominee: The Deal
Nominee: Love Ways
Nominee: Bus Stops
Nominee: Laundromat
Nominee: Neighbours
Nominee: Losing Lalo
Nominee: Family Ties
Nominee: Davvero? (Really?)
Nominee: Sandalen mit Socken
Nominee: The Background Model
Nominee: Trudo Vertical Forest
Nominee: Space Station Village EP8:
    Miss You to the Stars

Best Animated Short
Winner: Overthinking Tea
Winner: a tree once grew here
Nominee: WTF is Love
Nominee: Out of Control
Nominee: Not a Long Time Ago
Nominee: A Cacophony of Scales
Nominee: There's Nothing Wrong
    With Me
Nominee: Operation: Temple Infiltration
Nominee: Sam and Duke's Big
    River Adventure
Best Music Video
Winner: Thought Bubble
Winner: Make This World
    A Better Place
Nominee: Treat
Nominee: WTF is Love
Nominee: The Girl Who Faded Away
Nominee: Love it's a funny word,
    by Emily Kathleen
Nominee: She Is My Precious -
    The Curse of KK Hammond

Best Experimental Short
Winner: Scox
Nominee: HOME
Nominee: Slate
Nominee: Chabe
Nominee: Port Hope
Nominee: (UN)KEEPALL
Nominee: Call of the Snow Witch
Nominee: Il Fuoco Grande -
    The Big Fire

Best Student Film
Winner: RED
Winner: 'Normal Girl'
Nominee: message
Nominee: Bad Syne
Nominee: Patellidae
Nominee: Autumn Leaves
Nominee: Plastic Crowns
Nominee: The Great South
Nominee: Love Yourself First
Nominee: Operation: Temple Infiltration

Best Web Series
Winner: Blurred Ties
Best Director
Winner: Scox
Winner: Slate
Winner: Parrot
Winner: Vueltas
Winner: What Do You Want?
Winner: The Background Model
Winner: a tree once grew here
Nominee: RED
Nominee: HoleY
Nominee: The Deal
Nominee: Love Ways
Nominee: WTF is Love
Nominee: Losing Lalo
Nominee: Finding Dan
Nominee: Hidden Lives
Nominee: 'Normal Girl'
Nominee: Thought Bubble
Nominee: The Great South
Nominee: Overthinking Tea
Nominee: Not a Long Time Ago
Nominee: Sandalen mit Socken
Nominee: The Grasshopper Hill
Nominee: My Mother's Replacement
Nominee: William Shakespeare's
    Henry V
Nominee: Il Fuoco Grande -
    The Big Fire
Nominee: American Expendables:
    The Films of North American Pictures

Best Writing
Winner: HoleY
Winner: message
Winner: Bus Stops
Winner: Neighbours
Winner: Family Ties
Winner: Howard Justice
Winner: What Do You Want?
Winner: Sandalen mit Socken
Winner: My Mother's Replacement
Nominee: RED
Nominee: Faith
Nominee: Chhadi
Nominee: Parrot
Nominee: The Test
Nominee: Love Ways
Nominee: Laundromat
Nominee: The Stalker
Nominee: Blood Alone
Nominee: Losing Lalo
Nominee: Blurred Ties
Nominee: Hidden Lives
Nominee: Honey Street
Nominee: 'Normal Girl'
Nominee: Happy Birthday
Nominee: Mickey Hardaway
Nominee: Davvero? (Really?)
Nominee: Echoes Across Time
Nominee: South Africa -
    Rainbow Nation
Best Cinematography
Winner: Laundromat
Winner: Neighbours
Winner: Davvero? (Really?)
Winner: Trudo Vertical Forest
Nominee: Scox
Nominee: Slate
Nominee: HoleY
Nominee: Parrot
Nominee: Vueltas
Nominee: Patellidae
Nominee: (UN)KEEPALL
Nominee: Hidden Lives
Nominee: Mickey Hardaway
Nominee: The Great South
Nominee: What Do You Want?
Nominee: Invisibles México
Nominee: Same but Different
Nominee: The Background Model
Nominee: a tree once grew here

Best Actress
Winner: Vueltas (Jordina Sarlé)
Winner: Slate (Ana Di Monteiro)
Winner: Love Ways (Francesca Rowe)
Winner: Losing Lalo (Alyssia Rivera)
Winner: The Stalker (Emily Kathleen)
Winner: Da Kink In My Lair (A Day In
    The Life Of A Dom)
    (Yulia Petrauskas)
Nominee: Scox (Elisa Reniero)
Nominee: Cora (Jessica Mendiolea)
Nominee: Honey Street (Sara Stewart)
Nominee: Hidden Lives (Natalie Moore)
Nominee: Lulu in Turin
    (Camilla Armanini)
Nominee: The Background Model
    (Marta Ditrikh)
Nominee: Call of the Snow Witch
    (Katt Yukihyo Berg)

Best Sound
Winner: Overthinking Tea
Winner: Hercules Recycled 2.0
Winner: Operation: Temple Infiltration
Winner: Il Fuoco Grande -
    The Big Fire
Winner: Sam and Duke's Big
    River Adventure
Winner: Space Station Village EP8:
    Miss You to the Stars
Nominee: Scox
Nominee: Chabe
Nominee: Parrot
Nominee: Laundromat
Nominee: A Cacophony of Scales
Nominee: a tree once grew here
Nominee: Erik's Midwestern Boyhood
Best Actor
Winner: Slate (Alex Slama)
Winner: Bus Stops (P.J. Ochlan)
Winner: Losing Lalo (Johnny Rey Diaz)
Winner: Echoes Across Time
    (Vikassh V)
Winner: The Great South
    (Zharn Pokoati)
Winner: Mickey Hardaway
    (Rashad Hunter)
Nominee: Leggera (David Coco)
Nominee: Hotline (Gino Terrell)
Nominee: Empty (Yousuf Al Housni)
Nominee: The Deal (Derrick Dover)
Nominee: Family Ties (Dan Shapira)
Nominee: Finding Dan (Manny Elhilu)
Nominee: Parrot (Oliver de la Harpe)
Nominee: Hanky Panky
    (Jacob Demonte-Finn)
Nominee: My Mother's Replacement
    (Jason Bowser)
Nominee: William Shakespeare's
    Henry V (Peter Babakitis)

Best Music
Winner: Scox
Winner: Parrot
Winner: WTF is Love
Winner: The Great South
Winner: Invisibles México
Winner: American Expendables:
    The Films of North American Pictures
Nominee: Cora
Nominee: Port Hope
Nominee: Neighbours
Nominee: Laundromat
Nominee: 'Normal Girl'
Nominee: Out of Control
Nominee: Mickey Hardaway
Nominee: Overthinking Tea
Nominee: The Background Model
Nominee: a tree once grew here
Nominee: Erik's Midwestern Boyhood
Nominee: There's Nothing Wrong
    With Me
Nominee: Il Fuoco Grande -
    The Big Fire
Nominee: American Pot Story:
Nominee: Armando Dal Col - L'Arte
    del Bonsai (Bonsai's Art)

Best FX
Winner: RED
Winner: Scox
Winner: Thought Bubble
Nominee: Hercules Recycled 2.0
Nominee: The Girl Who Faded Away
Nominee: Il Fuoco Grande -
    The Big Fire
Nominee: Sam and Duke's Big
    River Adventure
Best Editing
Winner: Hidden Lives
Winner: The DNA Stories
Winner: The Grasshopper Hill
Winner: Erik's Midwestern Boyhood
Winner: Il Fuoco Grande -
    The Big Fire
Winner: Da Kink In My Lair (A Day In
    The Life Of A Dom)
Nominee: Scox
Nominee: Treat
Nominee: Parrot
Nominee: Leggera
Nominee: Fag End
Nominee: Hot Snow
Nominee: Bad Syne
Nominee: purple crab
Nominee: Blurred Ties
Nominee: Lulu in Turin
Nominee: Plastic Crowns
Nominee: Invisibles México
Nominee: What Do You Want?
Nominee: a tree once grew here
Nominee: Hercules Recycled 2.0
Nominee: "i don't even know me yet"
Nominee: Make This World
    A Better Place
Nominee: American Pot Story:
Nominee: Memorie di una lavanderia
    ad acqua
Nominee: Today Must Not Be
    Our Last Goodbye
Nominee: Space Station Village EP8:
    Miss You to the Stars
Nominee: Armando Dal Col - L'Arte
    del Bonsai (Bonsai's Art)
Nominee: From Praying to Playing:
    the Heartbeat of the Balinese
Nominee: American Expendables:
    The Films of North American Pictures

Best Humor
Winner: HoleY
Winner: Parrot
Winner: Bus Stops
Winner: Hanky Panky
Winner: Finding Dan
Winner: What Do You Want?
Winner: Sandalen mit Socken
Winner: Hercules Recycled 2.0
Winner: She Is My Precious -
    The Curse of KK Hammond
Nominee: Dream Farm
Nominee: My Mother's Replacement
Best Original Idea
Winner: Cora
Winner: Scox
Winner: Parrot
Winner: Hanky Panky
Winner: WTF is Love
Winner: 'Normal Girl'
Winner: Thought Bubble
Winner: Same but Different
Winner: Not a Long Time Ago
Winner: a tree once grew here
Nominee: RED
Nominee: HOME
Nominee: Treat
Nominee: Slate
Nominee: Empty
Nominee: Chabe
Nominee: Hotline
Nominee: The Test
Nominee: Patellidae
Nominee: Blood Alone
Nominee: (UN)KEEPALL
Nominee: Finding Dan
Nominee: Autumn Leaves
Nominee: Out of Control
Nominee: Within the Walls
Nominee: Overthinking Tea
Nominee: Echoes Across Time
Nominee: Love Yourself First
Nominee: Trudo Vertical Forest
Nominee: A Cacophony of Scales
Nominee: Hercules Recycled 2.0
Nominee: The Girl Who Faded Away
Nominee: Operation: Temple Infiltration
Nominee: Il Fuoco Grande -
    The Big Fire
Nominee: Memorie di una lavanderia
    ad acqua
Nominee: Sam and Duke's Big
    River Adventure
Nominee: Inside Forbidden Walls -
    Emperor Xian Feng
Nominee: She Is My Precious -
    The Curse of KK Hammond
Nominee: From Praying to Playing:
    the Heartbeat of the Balinese
Best Message
Winner: Fag End
Winner: Bad Syne
Winner: The Stalker
Winner: Losing Lalo
Winner: purple crab
Winner: 'Normal Girl'
Winner: Plastic Crowns
Winner: Invisibles México
Winner: Same but Different
Winner: The Grasshopper Hill
Winner: Trudo Vertical Forest
Winner: Killings of the Century
Winner: "i don't even know me yet"
Winner: There's Nothing Wrong
    With Me
Winner: Make This World
    A Better Place
Winner: American Pot Story:
Winner: From Praying to Playing:
    the Heartbeat of the Balinese

Best Production Design
Winner: a tree once grew here
Winner: Il Fuoco Grande -
    The Big Fire
Nominee: William Shakespeare's
    Henry V

Most Terrifying
Winner: Happy Birthday
Winner: Love Yourself First

Best Twist
Winner: The Test
Winner: Hidden Lives
Winner: Within the Walls
Nominee: Empty
Nominee: Bus Stops

No Budget Spirit
Winner: Blood Alone
Nominee: HOME
Nominee: Faith
Nominee: Dream Farm
Nominee: William Shakespeare's
    Henry V
Nominee: Love it's a funny word,
    by Emily Kathleen

Best Feature Script
Winner: Hibernation
Winner: Howard Justice
Nominee: Fractured
Nominee: Contamination
Nominee: The Fourth Night
Nominee: The Moon Has Left the Heavens
Best Short Script
Winner: EL MALE
Nominee: Mr.'s Mystery
Nominee: Parallel Lives
Nominee: The Lies That Bind Us