October 2016 Results

Best Feature
Winner: Pawo
Nominee: Virtual Revolution
Nominee: Eva's Diamond
Nominee: ...Where is she now?
Nominee: Carmilla
Nominee: DisAssociationVille
Nominee: Dirty Beautiful
Nominee: The Return

Best Short
Winner: Save
Winner: Suicide
Winner: Because
Nominee: Last Base
Nominee: Shoot in Any Direction
    and You'll Hit a Bastard
Nominee: Heather's Painting
Nominee: Bad Jesus
Nominee: SightPictures

Best Student Feature
Winner: Cracked
Best Student Film
Winner: Last Base
Winner: Icon
Winner: LineRevolution
Nominee: Circus City, USA
Nominee: DreamScope
Nominee: 8 1/2 Circles
Nominee: The Salt Life

Best Animated Short
Winner: The Polar Bear Story
Nominee: She Who Flew

Best Animated Feature
Winner: Dracula

Best Experimental Short
Winner: Brady's Lot
Nominee: Runtime
Nominee: Subliminal

Best Web Series
Winner: Jaguars
Best Documentary Feature
Winner: Among the Believers
Winner: Road to Hope
Nominee: A Simpler Way: Crisis
    as Opportunity
Nominee: Human Again
Nominee: Stories of Wolves -
    The Lobo Returns
Nominee: A New Path for
    the Serengeti
Nominee: ...Where is she now?

Best Documentary Short
Winner: The Road to Nickelsville
Winner: Faces of a Conflict
Winner: Ichiro and the Wave
Nominee: The Art House
Nominee: The Art of Singapore
Nominee: Curanderismo

Best Music Video
Winner: Sunday Sara
Nominee: Love When It Rains
Best Romantic Comedy
Winner: Once Upon a Dream
Winner: The Courtship
Nominee: The Story of 90 Coins

Best Director
Winner: Bad Jesus
Winner: Suicide
Nominee: The Road to Nickelsville
Nominee: DreamScope
Nominee: 8 1/2 Circles
Nominee: The Courtship
Nominee: Save
Nominee: Bad Karma Santa
Nominee: Because
Nominee: Ichiro and the Wave
Nominee: Eva's Diamond
Best Cinematography
Winner: The Story of 90 Coins
Winner: LineRevolution
Nominee: Curanderismo
Nominee: 8 1/2 Circles
Nominee: Bad Jesus
Nominee: Suicide
Nominee: Icon
Nominee: Pawo

Best Sound
Winner: Virtual Revolution
Nominee: Save
Nominee: Bad Jesus
Nominee: Suicide
Nominee: The Return
Nominee: Icon
Nominee: Pawo
Nominee: Dirty Beautiful
Best Supporting Actor
Winner: Suicide (Kenna Wright)

Best Music
Winner: The Return
Winner: Shoot in Any Direction
    and You'll Hit a Bastard
Nominee: Sunday Sara
Nominee: Doors
Nominee: Dracula
Nominee: The Paper Lantern
Nominee: Carmilla
Nominee: Suicide
Nominee: Icon
Nominee: The Faces of Evil
Nominee: SightPictures
Nominee: Virtual Revolution
Best Actor
Winner: Heather's Painting (Jon Osbeck)
Nominee: Once Upon a Dream
    (Thomas Jeand'Heur)
Nominee: The Return (Sam Donnelly)

Best Actress
Winner: Hostile (Kayla Monique)
Winner: Eva's Diamond (Ice Neal)
Nominee: Heather's Painting
    (Jennifer Schaaf)
Nominee: Once Upon a Dream
    (Sarah Brunel)
Nominee: Suicide (Molly Ratermann)
Best Writing
Winner: Suicide
Winner: The Return
Nominee: Brady's Lot
Nominee: Carmilla
Nominee: The Paper Lantern
Nominee: DisAssociationVille
Nominee: The Faces of Evil
Nominee: Pawo

Best FX
Winner: Virtual Revolution
Best Editing
Winner: Faces of a Conflict
Winner: The Art of Singapore
Nominee: A Simpler Way: Crisis
    as Opportunity
Nominee: 8 1/2 Circles
Nominee: Among the Believers
Nominee: Bad Jesus
Nominee: Baggage
Nominee: A New Path for
    the Serengeti
Nominee: Suicide
Nominee: Shoot in Any Direction
    and You'll Hit a Bastard
Nominee: Runtime
Best Original Idea
Winner: Runtime
Nominee: Doors
Nominee: Subliminal
Nominee: Into the Light
Nominee: ...Where is she now?

Best Humor
Winner: Dirty Beautiful

Most Terrifying
Winner: Bad Karma Santa
Best Message
Winner: Human Again
Winner: A Simpler Way: Crisis
    as Opportunity
Winner: A New Path for
    the Serengeti
Winner: Stories of Wolves -
    The Lobo Returns
Nominee: The Road to Nickelsville
Best Action
Winner: Virtual Revolution

Best Production Design
Winner: The Faces of Evil

No Budget Spirit
Winner: Carmilla
Nominee: Dead Sunrise
Nominee: An Inconvenient Ruth
Nominee: Tylonoxicateroid

Best Feature Script
Winner: Bermuda
Nominee: Cajun Justice
Nominee: The Third Act
    of Brando Mendoza
Nominee: Malicious Intent
Nominee: Midwest Hu$tler
Best Short Script
Winner: In the Stars